Friday, May 29, 2009

Wing Commander Saga

The Wing Commander (WC) series was one of the first few that really got me into PC gaming. I would also speculate it was the reason Sound Blaster sound cards became popular too. The first WC came out almost two decades ago in 1990. Sadly, Origin who developed it is no more.

A while back a group of people got together and began work on a project to make a updated WC game, Wing Commander Saga. Using a modified and enhanced version of the Freespace 2 engine’s source code has been released to the public. It will be set in the same time frame as WC3 where humans and Kiralthi are still at war (and not WC4).

Cockpit View

TCS Concordia, the carrier you launch from in WC2.

Quite an amazing piece of work from an indie team.

By the way, it will be free to play when it is done. And they expect to be done "soon". They already have a demo ("prologue") out.

While on the topic of WC, there is a "work-in-progress" remake of WC Privateer, named WC Privateer Gemini Gold, that is striving for the same missions and look-and-feel as the original.

Cockpit View

In the hangar.

This is done by another indie team and also available for free.

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